Some excellent persons I visist as often I can; (from left) Dear Sara Blohmé who I seem to constantly long for, Sandra Juto who is in Lula but who I funnily never have met, Kate Miss illustraions on photos and whos necklace I wear everyday. I only know her through the blog but she brightens my days. Dear Elisabeth Dunker who I was in the same class with for three years at HDK, and Lena Sjöberg, who I don´t know but admire for her precise illustrations. Let these girls brighten your grey November-day!
thanks Hanna for such sweet words! I'm in good company up there:)
tack hanna, vad kul att få vara med bland andra fina damer :) ja lustigt att vi aldrig träffats! det är alltid kul att titta på dina bilder.
oj i vilket fint sällskap jag är. gulle du. undrar när vi ska dricka kaffe ihop. kram på dig och Otto.
Hanna, tack snälla. Du gör mig glad.
Great people all of them! A lot of scandinavian illustrators seem to have a common style. I like it!
But don´t forget your own talent, hanna. I claim it´s a waist to have you in an agency. Meaning your too artistic and too creative. // Beth
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